Saturday, October 18, 2008

The first Post

So this is my first post on my 1st blog ever.  I was going to write earlier in the day, but my new fancy G1 phone wouldn't allow me to type in the compose box.  Don't ask me why.  I'm sure my blackberry would do it just fine, but whatever.   You may ask, "B, why did you make a blog?", or "B, I didn't know black people knew how to use computers."  And to that I say, "Well you're in for a surprise!  To answer your first question, I gotta say that my head is too full of just random stuff to not put it down on somewhere so it doesn't explode.  And to answer you second question.  Yes we know how to use computers.  I'm rather astute in using a computer!   

So what am I going to be talking about?  I have no idea!  I'm a very random person with VERY random thoughts.  I just wish that I could blog with my mind and it magically appear on this screen that I'm typing on.  Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I hope that you enjoy Whatever I Feel Like Talking About!

1 comment:

Greshkov said...

yo, write something. do it.